Thursday, July 18, 2013

Why Should you blog?

Why should you blog?  How do you blog?

Those were tonight's questions for our writers' group monthly meeting.  Our guest speaker was Tristi Pinkston.  You can visit her blog at:

First Tristi talked about what a blog is compared to what a website is.  She said a website is  your resume and your blog is an interview.  And I can see where she is coming from.  Your website information is actual fact about yourself and what your blog is for whether it is because you are a writer, or a painter or a photographer.  Your blog is where you put into feelings about things that are important to you.  It gives an insight about yourself to your readers.

Before starting your blog you should google your name.  Is someone else already using that name for a blog or website?  If it is use another name that will help your readers find you when they do a search.

Be careful when posting information about yourself that it isn't so detailed that someone could find you.  You don't want a stalker.  But you do want people returning to your blog all of the time.

Don't forget, once you've put up your blog, make sure you let people know.  Post it on Facebook and on Twitter.

Tonight's meeting was very good and very helpful even though I had already started my blog.  I appreciate that Tristi took time out of her busy schedule to prepare the topic for us.  It was a great presentation.  Please visit her blog.  Thank you for reading mine.


  1. Thanks for posting these notes, Brenda!

    1. You're welcome. Of course I didn't do as good of a job as you did, but I think people will get the gist of it. :-)
